A Note from the Publisher
by Michael Kilcorse
Well, here we go…
It has been almost ten years since Maladjusted Ltd. first went into print. It was the personal passion project of a very dear friend of mine, a true artist’s soul with an unmatched dedication to nurturing a space where all can be free to reveal what is in their heart. This vision is what he first sculpted the original Maladjusted to be. A place of expression, a platform to share ideas, a spotlight to bring attention to the unspoken life around us, and it became all of this and more to those who were lucky enough to surround the project at that place in time and space.
Visiting him at the House of Trials during this original run was always a pleasure, though perhaps not always for him. At the time I played in a band with several mutual acquaintances, and despite all of his own struggles at the time, he graciously offered us his dining room to practice in. Some days we would get there and he would be crouched over on the floor, his hair askew and his eyes heavy with many sleepless nights. Scraps of paper half sliced and stapled surrounding him like sharks circling a shipwreck. We hoisted our instruments past his head as he kept on sorting, cutting, and folding. He was truly a one man show in that production. He grabbed something from nothingness and forced it into being. It was that first idea born from the aether and ripped from its womb by his hand that we breathe life back into today.
His home, his time, his sanity; I saw him offer it all at the altar of those wordless concepts that fueled his and so many others' purpose. I had the pleasure to contribute a small number of times, though not nearly as much as I should have. I still knew that what he was doing was important, I never doubted that for a moment. When I heard it was ending I was distraught. I understood that he simply had no more left to give. Maladjusted Ltd. had demanded too much and they had met the breaking point. I was distraught, yes, in part because I loved the energy of the time, the spirit that existed for the community, but also because I knew that this vision that I claimed to care so much about I had left to rot on the vine. It wasn’t my fruit to harvest, but if you ignore the pleas of the farmer, everyone will starve.
A lot has happened since those days. People grow and sometimes people mature. Sometimes a venue will close for a new one to open. Sometimes the entire world shuts down because of a pandemic. But even through all of that, you hope as you go through this crazy life that you get to hold on to something important and true. A proof that speaks to the existence of your metaphysical being. Maladjusted Ltd. serves as one of those tokens of truth I carry with me. Even when I feel like the entire concept of my identity is at risk of being lost, like a dream blinked away in those first moments of morning, I can think back to the feeling and energy surrounding Maladjusted Ltd. A symbol that fills my veins with a crackling spark propelling my consciousness forward.
The streams and currents of our culture are once again washing up against familiar shores. I feel the same energy in the air and call across the pavements. Once again there is a need for that token of metaphysical reality. A need to give importance to what can so often be overlooked. Hearing this call, there is really only one option for us. We proudly announce the return of Maladjusted. With a new medium and a matured vision we will stand together and do our best to deliver to you, our dear reader, those tokens of thought. Something that might crawl into your heart and stay with you forever. A glimpse into another person’s mind. An album you never would have heard of otherwise. Something more important than it feels at first. We might even be so lucky as to inspire you to do something truly amazing.
Thank you.
Michael Kilcorse